BOOKING FORM Choose your Service Pack Choose your beer keg Date and time Contact details Address Choose your SERVICE PACK SERVICE PACKS* SMALL €65 MEDIUM €165 LARGE €315 For more details click HERE. Next Some info to have in mind 20L serves up to 20 adults 25L serves up to 25 adults 30L serves up to 30 adults Average consumption per person 1-1.5L. Write us the quantity of the beer kegs in the comments section below. Choose your beer keg* ALFA 30L €95 CARLSBERG 25L €75 ERDINGER 20L €135 ESTRELLA DAMM 30L €125 FIX 30L €105 GRIMBERGEN 20L €135 GUINNESS 20L €150 HEINEKEN 20L €80 KEO 25L €75 LEON 25L €75 PAULANER 30L €180 SAN MIGUEL 30L €135 SANDY LAGER 25L €105 SANDY WEISS 25L €105 Good to know How many beer kegs? For example 2 Keo and 3 Leon How many people? For example 30 people Back Next Date and time You must choose at least 2 days ahead of your event. Delivery times on weekdays are between 10:00 – 19:00 Delivery times on weekends are between 11:00 – 16:00 Date* Time* How many days? 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days More Days Back Next Contact details Name* First Last Email address Phone* Back Next Your address Address Street, Number* Address Area City* Please selectNicosiaLarnacaLimassolAmmochostosPaphos Zip / Postal Code* Back Complete booking This field should be left blank